You don't need a lot of money to start investing - some people start with a small amount of savings they've built up, while others invest regular amounts. The key is to start and then keep adding to your investments as you can. A qualified financial advisor can help you make your money go further.
It is important to be aware that investments can go down as well as up in value. It's also important to understand what you're investing in as well as some key concepts like risk and return and diversification.
Remember - don't put all your eggs in one basket and, in general, the higher the earnings or return you expect from an investment, the more risky it will be. Investments that offer lower returns are generally less risky.
How can a financial advisor help?
A financial advisor can offer information on a range of money matters, from personal budgeting and investing, to planning for retirement and protecting your assets with appropriate insurance cover. They can also help work through your finances if you have received an inheritance, are recently divorced, or have just lost a partner.
At Southern Advisory we recognise that everyone is different and how we can help you depends on your unique situation. Our clients have different reasons for coming to see us, and success means something different to each one. However, from our experience, we add value in these four ways:
- Practical Value - In this day and age we are all pressed for time, our advice will save you time. Our strategies will give you the confidence and the discipline to succeed. We will streamline, simplify and manage your finances, and help you make the right decisions.
- Intrinsic Value - We understand the latest rules and how they work. Our experience and expertise mean that we know how to explain all this to you in plain English. Look at it as leveraging our experience.
- Financial Value - We will save you tax, protect your assets, manage and reduce your debts, help you accumulate wealth and make your money work harder for you.
- Emotional Value - Our ongoing relationship means that there will be someone there to take care of it all. This means less stress, more peace of mind and the knowledge that everything is taken care of.
Achieving financial security is a long-term process and we believe that taking the time to find an advisor you feel comfortable with is imperative.
Fees and charges
Financial advisors can be paid in different ways. They can:
• Charge a direct, time-based consultation fee for service;
• Charge an asset based fee which is a percentage of the amount you invest through them.
At Southern Advisory, our initial consultation is free of charge and here we will make it clear to you how we charge for our ongoing advice and service.
Avoid money sharks
Be very careful who you approach for advice about money. Anyone who promises an instant result or extremely high returns on an investment could be trying to rip you off. In the past, some investment scams have involved crooks fraudulently taking money from their friends or family. Knowing the person who offers you help is no guarantee that your money will be safe.
Investing your money can help secure your financial future. If you are thinking of seeing a financial advisor, please Contact Us for more information about our advisors and our services.